Khairil Azmir Ahmad
SMKA (P) Alawiyah, Perlis
Cikgu Khairil is one of the Top 5 Finalists of the Malaysia teacher Prize. An art teacher who wants to colour the world, Cikgu Khairil advocates for Arts to be given its due prominence. His creativity in his ways to teach Art, and diligence to the point of conducting extra classes outside his teaching hours, had shown results when his own school produced the best average SPM grade record in Perlis.
Through arts, his students had been given the opportunities to venture into their choice of art-related courses, such as architecture, interior designing and landscape art. His students also designed and produced 20 murals in the Kangar Street 2.0 programme, which has become a beloved tourist attraction.
Cikgu Khairil also had been entrusted with the position of ‘Ketua Panitia PSV (Pendidikan Seni dan Visual)’ by JPN Perlis. Cikgu Khairil is now active in handling project-based learning as his teaching method. His students can also complete the projects given to them in a short time, proving the effectiveness of project-based learning. Some notable projects from Cikgu Khairil’s PBL art class include the Special Effect Make-Up Artist Project, Stencil-Printing Typography Project, Soap Carbing Project, Themed-Doodle Drawing Project, Build Your Dream House Project through Minecraft and Create Your Movie Poster using the application Canva.