Summit Sessions 2024

Unlocking the Heart of a Teacher: Transforming the Classroom through Teacher Education


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Empowering Minds, Inspiring Change: Keynote Speakers at the Forefront of Innovation


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Indigenous Education: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

Indigenous education has been a topic of significant discussion and reform in many countries, including Malaysia. This session focuses on how we can challenge the deficit discourse through strong classroom interventions, school management as well as research and data around indigenous education while exploring effective culturally responsive strategies and indigenous pedagogies that have worked in schools and education institutions to celebrate diversity and inclusion in indigenous schools.


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Special and Inclusive Education : No Child Left Behind

Education for students with special needs has gone through many types of reform but the most important ones remain on how to ensure it caters to the needs of the child. What happens in a special and inclusive education classroom and how can teachers work towards supporting students better? The panelists will share their strategies in the classroom that have helped students with special needs be included in the community and to achieve success.


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Vocation Calls : Building Futures through Skill-based Learning

TVET or Vocational Education has often been regarded as a second choice or final option for students who struggle in mainstream education. However, vocational education has undergone reform over the years to become a pathway of choice for students. The panelists will share their efforts in strengthening skill based learning in Malaysia and how it can be better positioned to increase employability for students.


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Contextualised Classrooms: A Lesson for Every Child

Classrooms play a central role in molding students’ learning and outcomes. Recognizing each child’s uniqueness in terms of learning styles and approaches, how can classrooms ensure that every student reaches their full potential? The panellists will discuss the strategies they have implemented in their classrooms and training centres to ensure no child is left behind, and explore future possibilities for more personalised education.


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Technology in Education: Reviving the ‘Ed’ in EdTech

Edtech solutions often focus on the products and services without considering educational outcomes of students and teachers. In this panel session, we will discuss how to better incorporate edtech into classroom solutions and how to build solutions that take into account the challenges with students and teachers. The panellists will specifically addresses the future of edtech in Malaysia by talking about how each of them have been working with tech in their areas of expertise.


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Happy Schools: Social Emotional Practices in Schools

With an increasing number of students and teachers struggling with mental health issues, this panel will explore how to incorporate social emotional practices into every day classroom interaction and how to ensure students and teachers will be able to cope with the daily challenges. The panellists will share their experience in promoting wellbeing in their areas of work as well as the challenges and opportunities that come with it. They will also explore the intended outcomes of an education system that prioritises student and teacher wellbeing.


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Navigating Teacher Agency: The Impetus for Education Reform

Teachers, schools, districts and state education departments are not just implementers of curriculum and policies but active agents who can make informed choices ranging from policies, school management to instructional strategies. The panel will delve into diverse models for education reform and their experiences in driving systemic changes from their position of power as a school leader, NGO leader and corporate leader.


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Breaking Barriers: Equitable Community Involvement in Education

In the ever-changing landscape of education today, fostering community involvement is not just desirable; it is essential for the creation of a thriving and comprehensive learning environment. This session will be anchored on the profound impact of collaborative alliances. This engaging panel will explore effective strategies, share best practices, and present inspiring success stories that illustrate how schools and institutions can establish meaningful connections with parents, local businesses, non-profit organisations, and various stakeholders.


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Elevating Education: The Power of Exceptional School Leaders

Today’s educational landscape is marked by a myriad of challenges, from the impact of technology and evolving curricula to changing societal needs. The panellists will delve into the profound impact of exceptional school leaders in shaping the educational landscape while also addressing the critical intersection of contemporary challenges facing schools and the proactive role that school leaders can play in overcoming them.


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Future-Proof Teacher Training: Preparing Students for Jobs of the Future

In an era where the spectre of artificial intelligence replacing teachers looms and the digital realm demands competence above all, a pivotal question arises: How do we equip our educators for this evolving landscape, and what facets of their training should evolve or remain constant? This session will delve into the transformative concept of future-proofing teacher training, aiming to ensure that educators are not only prepared but thrive in the ever-evolving educational landscape of tomorrow. They will also explore the urgent need for teacher training programs to swiftly adapt to changing educational requirements, the advent of emerging technologies, and the dynamic shifts in society.


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Student Voices: Our Vision for the Malaysian Education System

Teachers, schools, districts and state education departments are not just implementers of curriculum and policies but active agents who can make informed choices ranging from policies, school management to instructional strategies. The panel will delve into diverse models for education reform and their experiences in driving systemic changes from their position of power as a school leader, NGO leader and corporate leader.


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